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Birkenhead Choral Society
Patron: Dame Lorna Muirhead DCVO, DBE

Conductor: David Holroyd ~ Chair: Claire Tomkinson ~ Rehearsal Accompanist: Jon Barton

Musical Director: David Holroyd
Chair: Claire Tomkinson
Rehearsal Accompanist: Jon Barton

Choral music since 1956

Birkenhead Choral Society
Patron: Dame Lorna Muirhead DCVO, DBE

Conductor: David Holroyd ~ Chair: Claire Tomkinson ~ Rehearsal Accompanist: Jon Barton

Musical Director: David Holroyd
Chair: Claire Tomkinson
Rehearsal Accompanist: Jon Barton

Choral music since 1956

Christmas Carols with BCS Brass Quintet

Date: 9 Dec 2023 15:00:00

There are only so many Saturdays in a month, so this year we are trialling the Concert to start at 3pm, thus freeing up a Saturday evening in the run up to Christmas!

The Choir perform a selection of Carols old and new

Audience Carols (will be printed in programme)

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